Good morning Kenya!!!
How have you all been? Its been a while I must say, been through a lot of shit-ass-crap but nimerudi with a vengeance.
So let me re-cap whats happened while I have been away;
1) Will-I-am got sacked, tensed up and went to see if the prefect wrote him in the all so naughty top ten noise makers list.
2)Obama got bruised battered and scorned by the tea party movement in this years mid terms (Sawa I know Kenyans dont know shit about politics west of Lake Victoria... but bear with me).. proving the infallible theory that there will always be more stupid people when you need something smart to be done.
3) Kenya is still getting fucked by several people; including university students crapping on each other because they come from different sides of the gorge!!
Now I had always planned my next blog to be somewhat on the lines that Christopher Nolan is God, and Leonardo DiCaprio is his disciple and Inception is his holy word but I found much more pressing an issue closer home.
Kenyans are tribal (I wrote a whole lot of obscenities and just back spaced... I did this too attract a wider audience like Churchhill and his clean comedy-)... Crappitty crap! It is a shame that with the passage of the constitution !ahem!cough!christians eat shit! !ahem !cough! some silly guy has to come all the way from pre-new-constitution era and flog us square in the face with some politikal phlegm!
Andy you are my new sworn enemy,you are either, Mr. Ligale, (former MP who therefore under this constitution canNOT sit in the IIBRC) a complete freaking retard who has no understanding of basic arithmetic and the voting system in this country where you have myopically considered that an ODM voter should be about the same as two voters of any other inclination... OR... you are just a tribalist who is playing into the machinations of whatever party wants to derail the new constitutional dispensation.
And I will let you understand Kenyan politics;
1) This is not a ploy by ODM to dominate Kenyan Politics in 2012.
2) Andrew Ligale is a bitch ass punk.
3) Andrew Ligale is a ... I said that already...
What I think is this, some really big people seek to punch holes in the armour of light by derailing the implementation of this constitution they throw pieces of meat at the rabid hungry MP's who have missed bickering bit for quite a while now.... so what happens now? We alm down.. GROW UP... and let the most competent arm of government, The Judiciary in case you didnt know... Handle all of this..
Now that I just ranted... From now on I can blog... and ranted isnt a word.