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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Good morning,

Now without alcohol, life draws sharply into focus; this my dear brethren is seeing life without beer goggles and for me its a completely nouveau feeeling for me.

Let me explain, I have always drunk... almost always, before drinking I was a teenager which is more or less the same thing, so I have never had a period in my life of adult unadulterated (funny how something being ADULTERATED is a bad thing... so being childerated should be good? but I digress) concerted self analysis.

Now that I have, I have realized some things, firstly that I have not lived up to the name of my blog so I need to remedy that... and here goes;

1. Logic; logic is the understanding of arguments, the balance of the human mind that distinguishes fallacies from truth.

So if I make an argument lets say that if I have two oranges and eat one I am left with three, the human mind can decipher through CRITICAL THINKING, that is a fallacy.

Therefore if I am told that there is a God who made the earth then split it up into water in the sky and some on the earth, then he fit all the 5 million species of terrestrial life in an ark 150m across... then killed everyone then made a rainbow, then made the only people who survived kill an animal because he liked the smell, then along the way he kills an entire Egyptian generation, including animals, and orders the genocide of the amelekite people, and sometime later sacrifices his own son to satisfy his own law (under which there is a then ritualistic cannibalism of drinking blood and eating "God's flesh")... I cannot in my mind through critical thinking substantiate that with "an ALL LOVING, ALL CARING, UNBIASED GOD".

2. Secondly is evidence. In law I know evidence is anything that tends to prove or disprove the existence or lack thereof of a material fact. So if we look for the evidence of the existence of a GOD or Gods; in a religious sense... not only is there overwhelming lack of evidence to prove any religious deity, but on the contrary there is a lot of evidence disproving said religious Gods.

Scientifically we have proved beyond any doubt that the earth is much older than most religions paint it to be.
The attributes that are painted of such God(s), are so in contrary with the material universe that we live in today that it takes some intellectual effort to accommodate these obvious contradictions.

We have no religion that shows evolution is the predominant mechanism of speciation, no religion that envisages a universe apart from our solar system, no traditional religion that paints the world built on a mechanism of quantum forces, no traditional religion that recognizes what we know as medical facts but instead chose blame psychiatric wrongs on spirits and demons.

3. The sheer number of religions paints a picture of what religion is. It is a cultural solution to a social problem created by insufficient knowledge. If any religion were a truth, any denomination divine, then why don't we have a single religion canvasing the world equally, why do we have Catholics in Italy and Confucians in China?

If truly there was a deity as depicted in religion to punish and to prevail respectively believers and non believers? Then why didn't Jesus grow up in India (wouldn't there be more Christians there?) why didn't Allah visit the South Africans?

There is a quote I love it says As an atheist I only believe in one less god than you, the reasons why you feel that Zeus and Poseidon do not exist are the same reasons I say Jehovah does NOT.

Those are just three reasons... I have hundreds... get back to me.

Plus don't drink and drive...

Ooh oooh... and I am selling 18 year old, scotch Johnny Walker Gold label.. halla!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010


So I quit... Alcohol that is; the diesel that so runs the blogosphere. And for those who know me, they know I am good at this, I have done it so many times before kwani?

Thats not the only thing though, sometimes I have been accused of being a little of a trumpet without the trumpeter (sometimes making up my own quotes doesn't go so well),. Since people always tell me to walk the talk, I have decided to follow.

I will miss alcohol though, the cause of and solution to all of my problems. The biggest downside is how in God's green earth will I get laid? Have you people ever talked to woman? That is the most boring type of person you can ever have a conversation with, seriously!! Can't women just tell a good joke? Or a nice story? They have to make conversations about their friends, and their friends' hair, and their friends' boyfriends' hair, and even their friends' boyfriends' hair products!!!

Sheesh!! and since I have no benefit of the great panty remover!!! i.e ethanol (C2H50H)!! Now in order to get laid, I have to talk to girls... eeeish!!

Thats the bad part, the good part of quitting alcohol is ummmmm.... ummmmmm... I can remember this my mum explained it so vivdly yesterday...

Well the long and short of it is if i take just one more beer I will end up like uncle "Nani", who's kids we have to take care of because he is a washed up drunk.

NO seriously, I have decided to Ben Carson up my life, throw in a little Teetotallerishness, add a dash of library-going-ness and just a pinch of participation in class and I am apparently the next Mutula Kilonzo (my complete lack of legal acumen notwithstanding.. Kenya is immune to talent or lack thereof).

I have quit alcohol, I am going to learn to manage my money, I amgoing to invest, I am going to spend more time with my family.... I am going to put my shit in order...

And just as I finish this I wonder how any of this is any of you reader's business!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010


So wise old "wahengas" told us that "Kibaya chajitembeza, kizuri chajiuza...", well those old mijikendas were probably shit faced on mnazi when they cooked up that little rhyme. Or maybe they were playing a practical joke on someone and it sort of caught on.

Because as a matter of fact in this life, in this generation, you have to show it to sell it.

So today I woke up and my mother tells me, I just read that Students from the Catholic University of East Africa (CUEA), had won the International Moot Court Competition, and I was obviously flabbergasted, CUEA??!!?? Well they should have a word for what i have, which is the undeterred belief that every private University in kenya is subordinate to the great daunting pool of superb geniosity that is UoN. Not to forget that in matters of Law, there is UoN, then there are those people who fail UoN, and then there are those people who work as subordinate staff... THEN there is other Universities.

Anyway I had to investigate the authority that my mother had so claimed (she being a product of USIU, we know which side of the armies she lies MUHAHAHAH!) it was in the DN December 6th 2010, and the article was there, awash with pictures of a pretty girl who was the representative of everything good about private education in this country... NOT.

In that same article in the final... smaller words... they do mention that the CUEA team didn't actually win, they were beaten at the quarter finals, and two of the semi finalists were two teams from University of... wait for it.... wait for it... grab a soda... wait for it.... Nairobi!!

So I am thinking, why did the CUEA chics get their pictures in the paper, could it be that one of their parents owns Nation (none of the kids looked like the Indian... Aga Khanish but that's besides the point); but however they got their articles in the paper they are one step ahead of their purportedly smarter UoN compatriots.

It teaches us a lot; whether you are prettier, do the make up, the short skirt and the fake hair; dudes is shallow. If you want that job, borrow that suit, make a CD of your CV, get a shave, cram a few big words, read the paper for that week... advertise.!!

Our world is built by advertisement, that's why we think Newton invented calculus, and Einstein discovered relativity; even that evolution was first thought up by Darwin... all of these are y the way not entirely true.

So take credit for someone else's work today, flaunt your little skills.!