The Jasmine revolution is probably the single most un-gayest time in history that the word jasmine has been used in a phrase.... Come to think of it give me a minute I wiki where the hell the name came from.....
So wiki was no help, they just said ".. journalists dubbed it the jasmine revolution", good thing now I know that I am just as uninformed as the average swimmer of the information super swimming pool, but one thing am pretty sure that the Tunisian 20-something-year-old in the streets, is homophobic enough to not shed blood and be branded Jasmine... but I digress (most abused phrase in the blogosphere).
There are things though we should learn from the Tunisians, Egyptians, Yemen(people? Yemenis? Yemenfolk?), Libyans and any other Arab people who will throw on their Jasmine Kanzus and dispose of their despots.
For one, I have some theories on why and how these revolutions are only occurring in the Arab countries. To put it in a word, LIBIDO. Picture this (men only to read the next few paragraphs), you live in a world where you can see no cleavage no ass and no thighs, where the law forbids a woman to show hair, (not in the good way, its not about waxing boys its about 'bui-buis'),porn is illegal and women have curtains for skirts and their fathers mustached faces as their face-book profile pictures.
Where porn is nowhere to be found and getting a chips funga is punishable by death!... to these people freedom is everything, politics is their club life, without alcohol or sex then the youth are left with nothing but to seek for political bickering.... because as we all know its all about pussy, pombe na wanawake...
So the Jasmine revolution was sparked, when you are on the net all day, without tasty chics to hit on and sleep with on facebook, or porn to watch; what is left but to remove some long standing politician from power...
Ladies and gentlemen I have found the key, if we want to remove Kibaki and Raila from power we should go the Arab way, Mututho is a prophet he saw it first... No alcohol, No sex, No porn, No miniskirts and hipstars.... then the youth of Kenya will rise just as they did in Cairo, Alexandria and Tunis.... because of poverty, disease, graft and an old guard that is clinging to power... AND most importantly because we would have nothing more fun to do.