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Monday, January 3, 2011


Kenyans, and non Kenyan people-things, how it do? So why is a raven like a writing desk (what I didn't read this book until a few days back)?

Anyway, apparently the other day I got my blog critiqued by a (pseudo?)celebrity, and I wasn't even present at the time. (Note here that the word critiqued might have been used to subtly mean "criticized" but that's just semantics). Apparently there are tactics used by people who can't write so that they can pull off and/or sound like interesting!

Now this comments struck a cord either because said commenter has been my personal idol; and I may or may not have cut away his Nation DN2 (poorest newspaper idea to make a "DN2" by the way) articles and made a mini scrap book, or because I am generally intrinsically self obsessed and can't take criticism.

These tactics include using lists; well come to think of it I have never seen a Carrol, Shaw or Poe list... but ummmmmm... (I will think up an excuse later after breakfast).

people who cant write usually tend to list out their blogs, to probably appeal to the not-so-smartsy clientele, this might explain the numerous number of lists that are found in the lowest rung of literature; self help groups.

Anyway, I have little to say and I had to finish this blog... so cheerio.

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