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Sunday, March 27, 2011

HOMOSEXUALITY.. . Society, the Law and some funny ass jokes...

Today is as drab a Monday as can be, I have no hangover, no money, no alcohol, no class... nothing, I am about as bored as any 2o something year old campus student can be; so I do what everyone in this generation does, perk up my lifeless self in front of a desktop and let the wonderful world of the world wide web enthrall me.

So I come across this website or is it a blog? Not sure, but as far as controversial Kenyan blogs this sure ranks up top competing aptly with the almost-award winning DIARY OF A KENYAN ATHEIST ahem! Cough! Cough!

It is a whole blog dedicated to the bashing of the homosexual, the articles are unrelentingly and disturbingly anti homo, to almost the point of incitement get these quotes...

"...While the practice itself should be shameful in the extreme, it is worse than scandalous that society allows homosexuals to brazenly talk about such psychotic and psychopathic things as ‘same sex marriage’, ‘gay rights’ and ‘gay tolerance’."

"...Homosexuality is a threat to the very survival of humankind. For in this distorted engagement, ‘serenading’ is the end in itself. Homosexual ‘couples’ argue that they can come round the procreation concern through adoption of children or some laboratory abracadabra. The bottom line is the same. To perpetuate life, you need the combined male and female effort. Homosexuality is hostile to this effort..."

My favorite opinion was obviously this... "The difference between two consenting males on the one hand and a consenting human and a dog on the other hand is academic..." although I have no practical idea how the writer ACTUALLY quoted the opinion of the consenting dog or otherwise.

So far you would probably have formed the opinion that I am a gay-sympathizer, brainwashed by the perverts that pervade the land beyond the Atlantic and Mediterranean (thank God for spell check that is one I would never have had!), fed into believing that two men could possibly share love without condemning the whole country to some very effective falling sulphur and brimstone.

There my friends is where you would be wrong.... NOT.

Some of my friends and enemies is gay, not openly so, they have girlfriends and all but I still think they are gay, I will make fun of them for it... heck when they forget to log out of their facebook pages I will post some nasty update just to piss them off.

Being gay however is not wrong, its nasty for me as fuck, (as I would hetero might be nasty for them.. but I am not sure of that), it is very easy to mock, and I am not sure that's wrong since I make fun of short, stupid and ugly people.. and conversely taller and handsomer people (smarter? than me... ha ha ha you kid..) do the same for me but we don't get to tell people who are different that they are wrong.

And here is where I would love your opinions, what makes homosexuality so wrong? Let me try to make a list of some honest arguments here;

The arguments that I have had the most is that it is against nature? WTF? what is nature? The 'natural' way? then why do we wear clothes, cook food, shave hair, have C-sections and artificial fertilization, condoms, planes, kites, space travel? Human 'nature' if there is such a thing is never defined by biology I would have thunk. Most people do not know that homosexuality has been practiced by human beings for millenia, most people also don't know that thousands of species aside from humans have been observed to continuously practice homosexual behaviors;

So it would seem that citing homosexuality as unnatural would be intrinsically flawed.

Another argument I have heard is obviously the religious one (whichever religion you would choose most Abrahamic religions have a pretty good answer of falling fire to whichever man wants to stick a penis up his ass...). All this is well and good but at what point would you impose your personal beliefs on other people, how come adultery is a sin and there is no wide condemnation and penal sanctions against that? The Christian should never have the right to dictate his laws to the Muslim, to the Hindu, atheist, native American Indian or for that matter the atheist. If you think Homo is a sin then pray don't gay bash or lie or criminalize some people's private pleasures (he he 'private pleasures').

So I would love to get your opinions on this matter... I was going to copy paste some funny jokes I googled but UoN has cached all sites with the words 'Gay Joke' in them, I wonder why.... Cheerio

P.S a friend helped me out with a joke...

There was this man who walked into a bar and says to the bartender 10 shots of whiskey.

The bartender asks, "What's the matter?"

The man says, "I found out my brother is gay and marrying my best friend."
The next day the same man comes in and orders 12 shots of whiskey.

The bartenders asks, "What's wrong this time?"

The man says, "I found out that my son is gay."

The next day the same man comes in the bar and orders 15 shots of whiskey.

Then the bartender asks, "Doesn't anyone in your family like women?"

The man looks up and says, "Apprently my wife does."


  1. who knew that you had it in you?i have been judging a book by its cover

  2. Hey man, just stumbled across this blog today, I now have it bookmarked. Keep the stories flowing... a Kenyan atheist is quite a rare thing. I lived in Nairobi for a year and found it difficult to start religious debates with locals... even the modern middle class chicks who "know it all" would shy away from serious debate. You guys need some publicity!

  3. Its a pity i get to read this so late, i'll be quick, sticking a penis up an ass(male/female) is as unnatural as science can dictate and proove...the muscles, and glands, are not meant for such strainous activity, the muscles are not so elastic as to recover their original size after the stress and the glands on the other hand produce 0 lubrication with stimulation. Just as the religious guys should not condemn, the gay guys should not stand in podiums trying to justify their actions, the heteros don't
