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Thursday, July 15, 2010


So I haven't been writing blogs for a while, sorry to all my fans (yes all three of you counting my mum!!), but I have been rather busy... well that's not true... I have been in all honesty very bored; and it has taken a momentous bitch slap to wake me.

Today, as some of you who have some semblance of general knowledge would know, is Nelson Mandela's birthday. He lived in a generation of great people, the likes of Oliver Tambo and Desmond Tutu. People who sacrificed everything for a greater cause, who's wounds and scars litter the conscience of humanity. These are people who resurrected the hope in humanity that we sometimes feel is dimming. These people do one great other thing... They mock us.

Hector Peterson was a twelve year old boy, who embodied the plight of black South Africa during the apartheid regime. A black and white photo of him covered newspaper pages when he carried the dead body of his younger brother across the streets of Soweto; his brother had been shot through the head by the police.

With such people having walked this African soil before us... heroes and servants to the plight of their brethren. What do the youth in Kenya do? What do we dream of... what do we want? When we walk the halls of colleges in this country, we hear not the voices of people striving to cultivate a new freedom. We do not see leaders who have settled within themselves a duty to save our country. They do their bachelors and buy their vitz's, taking coffee at java and reveling the pretty suburbs of an upper class urbanite. They take no heed of the dying child in Samburu, no heed of the millions of Kenyans who he doesn't see through his tint windows. She pays more for a pedicure than a family in Bondo spends on a week's supply of food. He pays more for cuff-links than the money a woman fails to get and dies at childbirth.

Kenya is killing itself, because this generation is a cold heartless mass of people dreaming of big jobs and big cars after reading Think Big by Dr. Ben Carson, and "The Secret". We buy more inspirational and wealth building books, and too few Chronicles of true humanity.We have forgotten that there is death and pain in this country. We have forgotten empathy... we have forgotten that we have a duty to all the people who cannot sit one day and read a blog because they have to walk miles everyday for a drink of water.

Let us not Forget... RESPONSIBILITY


  1. I lost 4 words...u speak truth....n u speak t may we also do well, n make kenya wat we've always dreamed of....

  2. i meant 2 say *am*...must hv bn flustered into speech impediment

  3. you have, in truth, 'bitch slapped'my conscience....
